Jen-Chieh Liu
2012, Ph.D, National Central University (國立中央大學 電機博士)
E-mail : jcliu@nuu.edu.tw
ROOM : B1-624 TEL : (037)38-2480
Jen-Chieh Liu was born in I-Lan, Taiwan, Republic of China, in 1981. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the department of electronic engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, in 2004, and 2006, respectively. He also received the Ph.D. degree from the department of electrical engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, in 2012.
During 2010 to 2014, he worked with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan, where he received the ITRI Elite Award in 2013. Since 2014, he joined the department of electrical engineering of National Untied University, Taiwan, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests include all digital PLL, built-in jitter measurement circuits, and low power / low supply voltage for clock synchronization circuits and systems.
- Experience
107~迄今 「國立聯合大學-電機工程學系」副教授。
103~107 「國立聯合大學-電機工程學系」助理教授。
101~迄今 「CIC國家晶片系統設計中心」晶片審查委員。
99~103 「工業技術研究院-資訊與通訊研究所」工程師。
101~103 「台北大學產業教師講座」講師。
103 「TSIA短期培訓班- 微機電共振元件設計技術與應用」講師。
- Research Area
PLL \ DLL \ All digital PLL
Crystal-less clock generator
Built-in jitter measurement circuits
Low power / low supply voltage clock synchronization systems
「The 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium會議」榮獲最佳論文獎。
Publication List
- Journal Papers
Yo-Hao Tu, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Man-Ju Lee and Jen-Chieh Liu*, “A power-saving adaptive equalizer with a digital-controlled self-slope detection,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Syst. I, vol. 65, no.7, pp. 2097-2108, July 2018. (SCI)
Jen-Chieh Liu*, Chao-Jen Huang, and Pei-Ying Lee, “A high accuracy programmable pulse generator with a 10 ps timing resolution,” IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 26, no.4, pp. 621-629, Apr. 2018. (SCI)
Yo-Hao Tu, Jen-Chieh Liu*, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, and Chih-Hsun Hsu, “A 0.5-V all-digital clock-deskew buffer with I/Q phase outputs,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 93, no.10, pp.157-167, Oct. 2017. (SCI)
Ting-Chou Lu, Ming-Dou Ker, Hsiao-Wen Zan, *Jen-Chieh Liu, and Yu Lee, “A 8 phases 192 MHz crystal-less clock generator with PVT calibration,” IEICE Trans. on Electronics, E100-A (1), pp. 275-282, Jan. 2017. (SCI)
*Jen-Chieh Liu, and Pei-Ying Lee, “A low power pulse generator for test platform applications,” IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E99-A (7), pp.1415-1416, Jul. 2016. (SCI)
Yo-Hao Tu, *Jen-Chieh Liu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “Proportional static-phase-error reduction for frequency-multiplier-based delay-locked-loop architecture,” IEICE Trans. on Electronics, E99-C (6), pp.655-658, Jan. 2016. (SCI)
Yo-Hao Tu, *Jen-Chieh Liu, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Hong-Yi Huang, Chang-Chien Hu, “A 0.6-V 1.6-GHz 8-phase all digital PLL using multi-phase based TDC,” IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 13, no.2, pp.1-12, Jan. 2016. (SCI)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Cheng-Liang Hung, Cihun-Siyong Alex Gong, Jen-Chieh Liu, Bo-Qian Jiang, and Shi-Yang Sun, “A 0.9-8 GHz VCO with a differential active inductor for multistandard wireline SerDes,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Syst. II, vol. 61, no.8, pp.559-563, Ang. 2014. (SCI)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Jen-Chieh Liu, Hong-Yi Huang, and Yu-Tso Chen, “A wide supply voltage range and low-power all-digital clock generator,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 74, no.3, pp.517-526, Mar. 2013. (SCI)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Jen-Chieh Liu, and Hong-Yi Huang, “A 0.6-V 800-MHz all-digital phase-locked loop with a digital supply regulator,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Syst. II, vol.59, no.12, pp.888-892, Dec. 2012. (SCI)
*Hong-Yi Huang and Jen-Chieh Liu, “All-digital PLL using bulk-controlled varactor and pulse-based digitally controlled oscillator,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 68, no.3, pp.245-255, Sep. 2011. (SCI)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Jen-Chieh Liu, Hong-Yi Huang, Yu-Liang Li and Yong-Jhen Jhu, “A 6 GHz built-in jitter measurement circuit using multi-phase sampler,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Syst. II, vol.58, no.8, pp.492-496, Aug. 2011. (SCI)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Jen-Chieh Liu, Chih-Yu Chang, Shu-Yu Jiang, and Kai-Wei Hong, “Built-in jitter measurement circuit with calibration techniques for a 3-GHz clock generator,” IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol.19, no.8, pp.1325-1335, Aug. 2011. (SCI))
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, *Kai-Wei Hong, Chi-Hsiang Chen, and Jen-Chieh Liu, “A high precision fast locking arbitrary duty cycle clock synchronization circuit,” IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol.19, no.7, pp.1218-1228, July 2011. (SCI)
- International Conference Papers
Yo-Hao Tu, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Wei-Ren Wang, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Hong-Yi Huang, “A chaotically injected timing technique for ring-based oscillators,” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp. 1-4, Jun. 2016.
Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, Pei-Ying Lee, Kun-Yuan Chen, Jin-Sheng Chen, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Tzuen-Hsi Huang, Ching- Hsing Luo, and Jin-Chern Chiou, “PVT Insensitive high-resolution time to digital converter for intraocular pressure sensing” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp. 125-128, Apr. 2015.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Huan-Ke Chiu, Jia-Hung Peng, Yuan-Hua Chu, and Hong-Yi Huang, “A radio-controlled receiver for clocks/watches and alarm applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 2672-2675, Jun. 2014.
Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, Shi-Jia Sun, Cheng-Hao Fu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “A 64-MHz ~ 640-MHz 64-phase clock generator” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp. 51-54, Apr. 2014.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Wei Chun Lee, Hong-Yi Huang, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chao-Jen Huang, Yu-Wei Liang, Jia-Hung Peng, and Yuan-Hua Chu, “A 0.3-V all digital crystal-less clock generator for energy harvester applications” IEEE Asian Solid-state Circuits Conference, pp.117-120, Dec. 2012.
Chih-Ping Cheng, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “Auto-calibration techniques in built-in jitter measurement circuit” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp.248-249, Apr. 2012.
Tzu-Chi Huang, Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, and Ching-Hsing Luo, “All digital phase-locked loop using active inductor oscillator and novel locking algorithm,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 486-489, May 2011.
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chih-Yu Chang, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Chih-Ping Cheng, “Measurement error analysis and calibration techniques for built-in jitter measurement circuit” IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Design Automation & Test, pp.1-4, Apr. 2011.
Kai-Wei Hong, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chi-Hsiang Chen, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Chien-Cheng Chen, “Loading effect insensitive an d high precision clock synchronization circuit” IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp.514-517, Sep. 2010.
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chang-Chien Hu, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Hong-Yi Huang, “A time-to-digital converter using multi-phase-sampling and time amplifier for all digital phase-locked loop” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp.285-288, Apr. 2010.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Hong-Yi Huang, Wei-Bin Yang and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “ 0.5 V 160-MHz 260 uW all digital phase-locked loop ” IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and System, pp.186-193, Apr. 2009.
Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “All digital PLL using pulse-based DCO” IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, pp.1268-1271 Dec. 2007.
Hong-Yi Huang, Bo-Ruei Wang and Jen-Chieh Liu, “High-gain and high-bandwidth rail-to-rail operational amplifier with slew rate boost circuit,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 21-24, May 2006.
- Patents
劉仁傑,張啟揚,涂祐豪,鄭國興,”非石英時脈產生器及其運作方法”中華民國,發明第 I 520495 B號,2016。
Jen-Chieh Liu, Chi-Yang Chang, Yo-Hao Tu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “All digital crystal-less clock generator using temperature compensated techniques,” US Patent, , US 9,024,693, 2015.
Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Yuan-Hua Chu, “High-resolution Varactors, Single-edge Triggered Digitally Controlled Oscillators, and All-digital Phase-locked Loops using the Same,” US Patent, US 8,125,286, 2012.
Hong-Yi Huang, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Yuan-Hua Chu, “High-resolution Varactors, Single-edge Triggered Digitally Controlled Oscillators, and All-digital Phase-locked Loops using the Same,” US Patent, US 7,859,343, 2010.
黃弘一,劉仁傑,朱元華,”數位控制振盪器和全數位鎖相迴路” 中華人民共和國,專利號 ZL 2007 1 0088558.X,2011。
黃弘一,劉仁傑,朱元華,”數位控製變容器、數位控制振盪器和全數位鎖相迴路” 中華民國,發明第 I 348276,2011。
- Local Papers
- Journal Papers
Hong-Chao-Jen Huang and Jen-Chieh Liu “A high speed multi-phase switching DC-DC step-up converter,” ICL Technical Journal, vol. 157, pp.88-93, Aug. 2014.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Pei-Ying Lee, and Chao-Jen Huang, “A Multi-phase crystal-less clock generator with phase error corrector,” ICL Technical Journal, vol. 157, pp.80-87, Aug. 2014.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Chi-Yang Chang, Yo-Hao Tu, Kuo-Hsing Cheng, and Pei-Ying Lee, “A 0.5 volt all-digital crystal-less clock generator using temperature techniques,” ICL Technical Journal, vol. 153, pp.33-40, Dec. 2013.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Hong-Yi Huang, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “An ultra-low voltage all digital phase-locked loop using a digital supply regulator,” ICL Technical Journal, vol. 150, pp.28-36, Apr. 2013.
Jen-Chieh Liu, Hong-Yi Huang, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng, “A 0.3 Volt All Digital Crystal-less Clock Generator,” ICL Technical Journal, vol. 143, no.2, pp.126-133, Feb. 2012.
- Conference Papers
*Jen-Chieh Liu, Pei-Ying Lee, and Yu-Han Liu, “A ±60-ppm/℃ 600-MHz crystal-less clock generator using a phase error corrector,” The 26th VLSI Design/ CAD Symposium, Taiwan, Aug. 2015.
*Jen-Chieh Liu, Pei-Ying Lee, and Yu-Ping Lee, “A 62 ps timing resolution arbitrary waveform generator for test platform applications,” The 26th VLSI Design/ CAD Symposium, Taiwan, Aug. 2015. (The Best Paper Nominee)
Hong-Yi Huang, Fu-Chien Tsai, Jen-Chieh Liu, Kun-Yuan Chen and Ping-Che Hsieh,” Design and optimization of arbitrary stage ring oscillator using the interpolating scheme,” The 23th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Taiwan, Aug. 2012.
Chih-Ping Cheng, Jen-Chieh Liu, and Kuo-Hsing Cheng,” Calibration techniques in multi-phase oscillator and time amplifier,” The 23th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Taiwan, Aug. 2012.
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chih-Yu Chang, Jen-Chieh Liu,” Measurement Error analysis and calibration techniques for built-in jitter measurement circuit,” The 21th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Aug. 2010. (The Best Paper Nominee)
Kuo-Hsing Cheng, Chih-Yu Chang, Jen-Chieh Liu, Shu-Yu Jiang and Yu-Tso Chen,” 3 GHz built-in jitter measurement circuit for a serial-Link transceiver,” The 20th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 2009.
Hong-Yi Huang and Jen-Chieh Liu,” All digital PLL using pulse-based DCO and bulk-controlled Varactor,” The 18th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 2007. (The Best Paper)
Hong-Yi Huang, Bo-Ruei Wang, and Jen-Chieh Liu,” High-gain and high-bandwidth rail-to-rail operational amplifier,” The 17th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Hualien, Taiwan, Aug. 2006.